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Bibliography & Glossary


AL – (German: Aussenlager) A term used for a sub camp of a main concentration camp.

APMAB – (Polish: Archiwum Państwowe Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau) Archive of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum.

BA Ludwigsburg – Bundesarchiv Ludwigsburg.

CIC – Civilian Internment Camp.

COP – (Polish: Centralny Obóz Pracy) Central Labour Camp.

CZPH – (Polish: Centralny Zarząd Przemysłu Hutniczego) Central Board of the Steel Industry.

CZPW – (Polish: Centralny Zarząd Przemysłu Węglowego w Katowicach) Central Board of the Coal Industry in Katowice.

DAW – (German: Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke) Armament factories.

DP – Displaced Person.

DRK – (German: Deutsches Rotes Kreuz) German Red Cross.

DW – Department Więziennictwa MBP.

EVO – Energie-Versorgung Oberschlesien.

GZUT – (Polish: Gliwickie Zakłady Urządzeń Technicznych).

IG Farben – (German: Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft) Community of interest of the dye industry.

IPN – Institute of National Remembrance. Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation.

ITS – International Tracing Service now the Arolsen archives in Bad Arolsen, Germany.

IWM – Imperial War Museum.

KL, KZ – (German: Konzentrationslager) Concentration Camp.

LG – (German: Landgericht) German regional court.

MBP – (Polish: Ministerstwo Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego) Ministry of Public Security.

NARA – The National Archives and Records Administration.

NL – (German: Nebenlager) A term used for a sub camp of a main concentration camp.

NSDAP – (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) National Socialist German Workers Party.

NKWD – (Russian: Narodnyy Komissariat Vnutrennikh Del) People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs.

OT– (German: Organisation Todt) Organisation responsible for engineering and building projects in Germany and the occupied territories.

POW – Prisoner of War.

PRO – Public Records Office London.

RAB Lager – (German: Reichsautobahnlager) German motorway work camp.

RSHA (German: Reichssicherheitshauptamt) Reich Main Security Office.

SA – (German: Sturmabteilung) “Assault detachment” or “Assault section”, usually translated as “stormtroop(er)s”.

SDG – (German: Sanitätsdienstgrad) Sick bay.

SS – (German: Schutzstaffel, Die Schutzstaffeln der Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterpartei) literally protection squadron.

SS-WVHA (German: SS-Wirtschafts-und Verwaltungshauptamt) SS Economic and Administration Main Office.

SS-WVHA/Amt W V – (German: Land-, Forst- und Fischwirtschaft) SS Economic and Administration Main Office Department W V – Land, Forest and Fisheries department.

StA – (German: Staatsarchiv) State archive.

T4 – Tiergartenstrasse4Association, Tiergarten4Association e.V.

USAAF – United States Army Air Force.

USHMM – United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

VOH – (German: Vereinigte Oberschlesische Hüttenwerke AG group).

YMCA– Young Men´s Christian Association.

ZAL – (German: Zwangsarbeitslager) Forced Labour Camp.

Zentrale Stelle – (German: Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen zur Aufklärung Nationalsozialistischer Verbrechen) The Central Office of the State Justice Administrations for the Investigation of National Socialist Crimes.

ŻIH – (Polish: Żydowski Instytut Historyczny) Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw.

Glossary Of German & Concentration Camp Terms & Words

Abbruchkommando – Demolition Kommando

Abteilung – Department.

Arbeitsamt – Work department.

Arbeitsdienstführer – Works department leader.

Arbeitsführer – Work leader.

Arbeitslager Work camp. Also used as a sub camp of a main concentration camp.

Arbeitskommando – Work Kommando.

Arbeit Macht Frei – Work Makes You Free.

Arbeitseinsatz – Labour Department.

Arbeitseinsatzführer – Labour Department Director.

Armee – Army.

Ausbesserungswerk – Repair workshop.

Ausbildungs-Bataillon – Training Batallion.

Aussenlager – External camp. Term used for sub camp of a main concentration camp.

Aussenkommando – External work Kommando.

Ausweichstelle – Temporary office.

Ausweis – Pass.

Bahnschutze – Railway security guards.

Barrackenlager – Barrack camp.

Baukommando – Building Kommando.

Bauleitung – Building office.

Bauzug Building Kommando transported by train.

Bibelforscher – Jehova´s Witnesses literally bible students.

Blindgängerkommando – Unexploded bomb Kommando.

Block – Barrack.

Blockältester – Kapo leader of a barrack.

Blockführer – SS leader of prisoner barrack (s).

Blockführer-Stube – SS leader of prisoner barrack (s) office.

Bundesland – Germany is made up of 16 Bundesländer (states).

Canada – Nickname given by Auschwitz prisoners to the barrack area of Auschwitz II-Birkenau where the belongings of the camp prisoners and victims were sorted and stored.

Einmannbunker – Air raid bunker for single person.

Eisenbahnbaubrigade – Train construction brigade.

Entwesungsbaracke – Disinfection barrack.

ErkennungsdienstCriminal investigation department.

Erziehungshäftlinge – Prisoners incarcerated for work “re-education”.

Fahrbefehl– Travel authority.

Fassenmacher – barrel maker.

Fischkommando – Fish Kommando.

Forstbaumschule – Forestry school.

Forstkommando – Forest Kommando.

Frauenlager – Camp for female prisoners.

Fremdarbeiterlager – Foreign labour camp.

Führerheim – Accomodation building for SS officers.

Geflügelfarm – Poultry farm.

Gemeinschaftslager – Deutsche Arbeitsfront camp.

Glück Auf – Good Luck.

Grabenbaukommando – Trench construction Kommando.

Grube – Mine.

Grubenlager – Mine camp.

Häftlinge – Prisoner.

Häftlingsbekleidungskammer – Prisoner clothing store.

Häftlingsküche – Prisoner kitchen.

Häftlingsmagazin – Prisoners food warehouse.

Häftlingslager – Prisoner camp. Another term used for a sub camp of a main concentration camp.

Häftlingsstärke Number of prisoners in a given camp.

Hofkommando – Yard Kommando.

Hütte – Steel works.

Inspektion der Konzentrationslager – Concentration Camps Inspectorate.

Interessengebiet – Zone of Interest.

Judenlager – Camp for Jews.

Kalkofen – Lime kiln.

Kapo – Prisoner functionary in a concentration camp.

Kasinoleiter – Leader of a cantine for SS personnel.

Kleinbahn – Narrow gauge railway.

Kriegsgefangenenlager – Prisoner of war camp.

Kohlensieb – Screening out of  carbon.

Kommando – Special SS and prisoner work unit.

Kommando Fischerei – Fishing Kommando.

Kommandoführer – Kommando leader.

Kommando Strassenbau – Road construction Kommando.

Kommando Schlosserei – Locksmiths Kommando.

Kompanieführer – Guard company leader.

Kraftfahrzeug Anforderung – Order for road transport.

Kraftwerk – Power plant.

Krankenbau – Hospital barrack.

Kriegswichtige Zwecke – For vital war purposes.

Kriegswirtschaft – War economy.

Kroatien – Croatia.

Lager – camp.

Lagerältester – Senior prisoner in a camp.

Lagerarzt – Camp doctor.

Lagerführer – Camp commandant.

Lagerverwaltung – Camp administration.

Lagerwirtschaft – Camp economics.

Lagerzwecks – For camp purposes.

Landesschutzenbatallion – Wehrmacht battalions made up of men unfit for front line duty and used for guard duty.

Landswirtschaftskompanie Farming department guard company.

Liebe zum Vaterland – Love for the Fatherland.

Litauen – Lithuania.

Luftwaffe – Nazi Germany air force.

Männerlager – Camp for male prisoners.

Maurer-Kommando – Building Kommando.

Meilensteins – Milestones.

Mexico – Auschwitz camp slang for the third prisoner barrack section of Auschwitz II-Birkenau which was never completed.

Muselmann (Muselmänner)– Slang term used in concentration camps for prisoners close to death from starvation and exhaustion. Also the term Muslim was used.

Muslim Slang term used in concentration camps for prisoners close to death from starvation and exhaustion. Also the term Muselman was used.

Nebenlager – Sub camp of main concentration camp.

Oberkapo – Head Kapo.

Obersteiger – Mine supervisor.

Ostarbeiterlager – Camp for forced labourers from Eastern Europe.

Österreich – Austria.

Packerei – Packing section.

Pipel – A word used amongst concentration camp inmates to describe an attractive male youth who received special favours or privileges by maintaining a homosexual relationship with another detainee who was in a position of authority over the inmates.

Pfleger – Nurse orderly.

Polen – Poland.

Politische Abteilung – Political department.

Postenführer – SS leader of the camp guard posts.

Postenkette – Security cordon of SS guards.

Privatbetriebes – Private industries.

Rapportführer – Leader of a number of Blockführer.

Reichsautobahn – The German motorways building of which began under the Nazi regime.

ReichsdeutscheA national of pre 1939 Germany.

Rumänien – Romania.

Rüstungsbetriebes – Armaments industries.

Sanitätsdienstgrade (SDG) – Auxiliary medical personnel, SS orderlies.

Schichte – Shift.

Schlackenkommando – Kommando for removing the remnants of the cement process and slag.

Schlafhauslager – Sleeping building camp.

Schreiber – Camp scribe.

Schreibstube – Camp orderly office.

Schupo – Schutzpolizei. Branch of the German Landespolizei (German State police).

Schutzhaftlagerführer – Leader of preventative custody camp.

Seilbahn-und Montage Transportarbeiten – Installation works for a cable car.

Slowakei – Slovakia.

Sonderbeauftragter – Special representative.

Sonderkommando – Special Kommando.

Spruchkammer – West German denazification court.

SS-Aufseherin – Female SS supervisor in the concentration camps.

SS-Dienststelle – SS office.

SS-Helferin – SS female overseers.

SS-Reichsführer – Commander of the SS.

SS-Siedlung – SS housing settlement.

Stahlgiesserei – Steel foundry.

Stalag – Prisoner of war camp. Shortened version of Stammlager itself a shortened version of Kriegsgefangenen-Mannschaftsstammlager.

Stallkommando – Barn Kommando.

Stammlager – Main concentration camp.

Sonderzulage – Specially allocated extra rations.

Splitterschutzzelle – Air raid bunker.

Steinbruch – Stone quarry.

Strafkompanie – Prisoner penal company.

Streckenbau und Gleisbau – Railway building works.

Sudetendeutscher – Ethnic German from the pre 1938 Sudeten area of Czechoslovakia.

Totenmeldungen – Camp leader reports of deaths in the camp (s).

Unbeschäftigte – Not employed.

Ungarn – Hungary.

Unterkapo – deputy Kapo.

Vernichtungslager – Death camp.

Vernichtung durch Arbeit –  Extermination through labour.

Verwalter – Administrator.

Volksdeutsche – Ethnic German from territories outside the Reich´s territories.

Volkssturm – People´s Army formed towards the end of the war for the defence of Germany.

VorarbeiterSupervisor of a work team.

Wachkompanie – Guard company.

Wagenwerke – Railway workshop.

Waldkommando – Forest Kommando.

Wehrmacht – The armed forces of Nazi Germany.

Werkhalle – Work hall.

Werkschutz – Factory security guards.

Wirtschaftshof – Farm.

Yugoslawien – Yugoslavia.

Zigeunerlager – gypsy camp.

Zimmerei – Carpentry.

Zivilarbeiterlager – Civilian work camp.

Zwangsarbeiter – Forced labourer.

Zweiglager – Branch camp. Also used as a term for a sub camp of a main concentration map.


Published Works- Zeszyty Oświęcimskie (in Polish), Hefte von Auschwitz (in German) and Auschwitz Studies (in English):


Frąckiewicz, Jerzy, Podobóz Golleschau, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1965] Nr 9, p. 103-119.

Frąckiewicz Jerzy, Das Nebenlager Golleschau, [in:] Hefte von Auschwitz [1966] Nr 9, p. 57-74.

Frąckiewicz, Jerzy, Podobóz Lagischa, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1965] Nr 9, p. 55-69.

Frąckiewicz, Jerzy,  Das Nebenlager Lagischa, [in:] Hefte von Auschwitz [1966] Nr 9, p.109-123.

Iwaszko, Emeryka, Aussenkommando Chelmek. Komando zewnętrzne Chełmek, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1970] Nr 12, p. 47-55.

Iwaszko, Emeryka, Aussenkommando Chelmek [in:] Hefte von Auschwitz [1971] Nr 12, p.45-54.

Iwaszko, Emeryka, Podobóz Brün, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1983] Nr 18, p. 223-244.

Iwaszko, Emeryka, Podobóz Janinagrube, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1967] Nr 10, p. 59-82.

Iwaszko, Emeryka, Podobóz Fürstengrube, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1975] Nr 16, p. 71-151.

Iwaszko, Tadeusz, Podobóz Günthergrube, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1970] Nr 12, p. 113-143.

Iwaszko, Tadeusz, Podobóz Laurahütte, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1967] Nr 10, p. 101-115.

Iwaszko, Tadeusz, Das Nebenlager Laurahütte, [in:] Hefte von Auschwitz [1970]  Nr 10, p 145-159

Konieczny, Alfred, Uwagi o początkach obozu koncentracyjnego w Oświęcimiu, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie Nr 12/1970.

Krosnowski, Ryszard, Miziewicz Aleksander, 7 SS Eisenbahnbaubrigade, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1961] Nr 5, p. 41-56.

Kubica, Helena, Freudenthal sub camp [in] Auschwitz Studies Nr 26, [2012] p 144-150.

Kubica, Helena Lichtewerden sub camp [in] Auschwitz Studies Nr 26, [2012] p 151-158.

Piper, Franciszek Podobóz Althammer, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1971] Nr 13, p. 137-153.

Piper, Franciszek, Podobóz Blechhammer, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1967] Nr 10, p. 39-57.

Piper, Franciszek, Podobóz Eintrachthütte, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1975] Nr 17, p. 91-153.

Piper, Franciszek, Podobóz Neu-Dachs, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1970] Nr 12, p. 57-111.

Piper, Franciszek, Das Nebenlager “Neu-Dachs”, [in:] Hefte von Auschwitz [1971] Nr 12, p. 55-111.

Piper, Franciszek, Podobóz Sosnowitz (I), [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1969] Nr 11, p. 83-90.

Piper, Franciszek, Podobóz Sosnowitz (II), [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1969] Nr 11, p. 91-118.

Piper, Franciszek, Das Nebenlager Sosnowitz (II) [in:] Hefte von Auschwitz [1970] No 11, p. 97-126

Piper, Franciszek, Podobóz Trzebinia, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1975] Nr 16, p. 153-190.

Piper, Franciszek, Das Nebenlager Trzebinia, [in:] Hefte Von Auschwitz [1978] Nr 16, p. 93-135.

Piper, Franciszek, Zatrudnienie więźniów KL Auschwitz w przemyśle górnośląskim, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1975] Nr 17, p. 5-41.

Setkiewicz, Piotr, Podobóz Bobrek, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [2002] Nr 23, p. 29-51.

Setkiewicz, Piotr,  The Kobiór sub camp (Aussenkommando Kobier) and Pszczyna forest Kommandos (Forstkommandos Pless) [in:] Auschwitz Studeies [2012] Nr 26, p. 130- 131.

Strzelecki, Andrzej, Arbeitslager Gleiwitz III, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1972] Nr 14, p. 115-135.

Strzelecki, Andrzej, Arbeitslager Gleiwitz IV, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1972] Nr 14, p. 137-154.

Strzelecki, Andrzej, Arbeitslager Gleiwitz IV, [in:] Hefte von Auschwitz [1973] Nr 14, p. 151-169.

Strzelecki, Andrzej, Podobóz Charlottegrube, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1975] Nr 17, p. 41-89.

Strzelecki, Andrzej, Das Nebenlager Charlottengrube, [in:] Hefte von Auschwitz [1985] Nr 17, p. 41-90.

Strzelecki, Andrzej, Podobóz Jawischowitz, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1974] Nr 15, p. 171-234.

Strzelecki, Andrzej, The Wirtschaftshof Birkenau Sub Camp, Auschwitz Studies [2018] Nr 29, p. 97-115.

Strzelecka, Irena, Pierwsi Polacy w KL Auschwitz, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie, Nr 18/1983, p. 5-144.

Strzelecka, Irena, Podobóz Bismarckhütte, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1970] Nr 12, p. 145-158.

Strzelecka, Irena, Das Nebenlager Bismarckhütte, [in:] Hefte von Auschwitz [1971] Nr 12, p. 145-159.

Strzelecka, Irena, Arbeitslager Gleiwitz I, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1972] Nr 14, p. 65-94.

Strzelecka, Irena, Arbeitslager Gleiwitz I, [in:] Hefte von Auschwitz  [1972] Nr 14, p. 75-106.

Strzelecka, Irena, Arbeitslager Gleiwitz II, [in:] Hefte von Auschwitz  [1973] Nr 14, p. 107-127.

Strzelecka, Irena, Arbeitslager Gleiwitz II, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1972] Nr 14, p. 95-114.

Strzelecka, Irena, Podobóz Hindenburg, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1969] Nr 11, p. 119-135.

Strzelecka, Irena, Podobóz Hubertushütte (Arbeitslager Hohenlinde), [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1970] Nr 12, p. 159-170.

Strzelecka, Irena, Das Nebenlager Hubertushütte, [in:] Hefte von Auschwitz [1971] No 12, p 161-173.

Strzelecka, Irena, Podobóz Neustadt, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1971] Nr 13, p. 155-166.

Strzelecka, Irena, Szymański Tadeusz, Podobóz Tschechowitz-Bombensucherkommando, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1983] Nr 18, p. 189-199.

Strzelecka, Irena, Szymański Tadeusz, Podobóz Tschechowitz-Vacuum, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1983] Nr 18, p. 189-222.

Zięba, Anna, Geflügelfarm Harmense. Farma hodowlana Harmęże, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1969] Nr 11, p. 37-67.

Zięba, Anna, Podobóz Rajsko, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1965] Nr 9, p. 71-102.

Zięba, Anna Das Nebenlager Raisko, [in:] Hefte von Auschwitz [1966] Nr 9, p. 75-108

Zięba, Anna, Wirtschaftshof Babitz. Podobóz przy majątku Babice, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1969] Nr 11, p. 69-82.

Zięba, Anna, Wirtschaftshof Budy, [in:] Zeszyty Oświęcimskie [1967] Nr 10, p. 83-95.


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